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Who’s Will Be Done?…


When we pray ,” Thy will be done” do we mean it? Call out evil, expose it, stand against it, BUT remember the bigger picture. This world is heading for judgement. The globalists have the people worrying about climate change and saving the planet. Covid and the fear of death have allowed for the law changes necessary to give them even more power to transform the entire world in readiness for the final Satanic Kingdom. They have the people inward focused and that’s why they are so easily manipulated through identity politics. They do not fear God. They are not concerned about judgement day and their ETERNAL destinations, if they were, the world would look very different and their worldly, self- seeking desires would be cast down as ridiculous. They would easily reject any leader who openly goes against these things, instead they scream louder for them as they did for Barabbas.
Weep believer. It’s ok to feel the kind of sorrow that Jeremiah and all who stood for righteousness did when they saw the hardness of heart and unbelief all around them.
Be encouraged that the God of Israel, whom we serve, neither slumbers nor sleeps. He has appointed times and seasons in order to bring about His purposes. All who do not take refuge in Him, will be condemned though they may enjoy their pleasure- filled lives for a season. Our suffering is also appointed but not because of God’s wrath or punishment, but as a result of being in this world but not OF it! We are pilgrims passing through on our way to our heavenly home and subsequent Kingdom after, our final destination- New heaven and New Earth 🙌🏽🙌🏽🎉🥳 REJOICE!!
We are the only ones who get to weep and rejoice at the same time! Do you realize that?
So, let’s get the balance back. Evil should make us angry but knowing why it’s happening helps us makes sense of it and gives us right perspective.
Our blessed hope gives us a joy and an ability to rejoice from the innermost parts of our being, despite what’s happening around us.
The world doesn’t have this hope.
Let’s show them how the two can coexist within us so that they too can desire to have what we have. Grace & Peace.. SALVATION
By Charmaine Bailey





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