It's Doxological...
Thanks for taking the time to check out my blog. 🙂
I’m nobody special in and of myself, just a workmanship created in Messiah to do good works. Over the years , I have become more limited in what I can do with the gifts that He gave me due to health conditions. By His grace, i wish to use them for His glory whilst i still can.
I don’t know about you, but i have found myself struggling more and more to find sound teachers and resources that hold to the doctrines that i believe that the scriptures teach. The Holy Spirit has guided me to great men and women of God who have been like little lamps on a hill. However , they are dotted around the globe and cyber space. So i thought, why not create a platform to bring these awesome people together in one place. I know that i certainly would have appreciated it! It can be so disheartening , trying to find songs, or movies or a sermon, homeschool resources , trust worthy news sources or tracts that do not require us to grit our teeth part way through.
My hope is that this website will be filed with a variety of edifying resources, from links to great teachers, musicians and artists, writers, resources , webinars, opportunities to network and fellowship, advertise and above all glorify His Great Name as we grow together and strengthen one another as the day approaches.
We shall be known by our love for one another. This is not about me. This is about a need to bridge the gaps in knowledge that have caused many to fall into apostasy and /or just fail to have a good apologetic when faced with the pressing issues of our day. Many are feeling lonely and misunderstood ,even rejected and this is not a strange phenomena, rather it’s biblical and will increase as we draw closer to the end of the age.
That’s why this site will , as much i am able to, only endeavour to provide and endorse believers who share the same doctrinal beliefs. ( see statement of faith )
Lastly, i will add that the grace of God is greater than any of us can truly comprehend and if we are growing, it is purely as a result of that grace. Therefore, it may be that there are times when sound believers may have some error that is not heretical but is as a result of a lack of understanding and a need to grow in that area. Please leave room for growth and please be gracious to one another. The Lord’s Name is at stake. May He have His way with this simple offering.
Blessings to you all

Yearning For His Return..
You know it’s nearly home time when you feel like you’re living in the Twilight Zone more often than not. I cannot relate. Knowing this world is not my home and feeling it with increase are two different things. I’m at that stage where you’ve been away from home for a while and it’s been a blast in places but it’s not as good as the brochure suggested. In fact, it’s over hyped and I can’t speak the language..Only one problem, there’s been a delay because there’s always that one person who isn’t on the coach yet and we’re waiting for them to get on board! HURRY UP! Meh.. it’s time to go HOME!
Who's Will Be Done?...
When we pray ,” Thy will be done” do we mean it? Call out evil, expose it, stand against it, BUT remember the bigger picture. This world is heading for judgement. The globalists have the people worrying about climate change and saving the planet. Covid and the fear of death have allowed for the law changes necessary to give them even more power to transform the entire world in readiness for the final Satanic Kingdom. They have the people inward focused and that’s why they are so easily manipulated through identity politics.

A Hope Deferred Makes The Heart Sick...
You have heard it said, that “A hope deferred, makes the heart sick.” And so it does!
I cannot think of anything more frustrating and disheartening than endlessly waiting and longing for something that seems to keep getting pushed further and further away from us, with no real indication of how or when it will come to fruition…
All That Glitters Is Not Gold.. An Alien Invasion...
There’s much that has been crammed into these two minutes and three seconds of what can only be described as lollipop propaganda.
So let’s examine the message inside this saccharin-sweet fairy-tale wrapped in Christmas tinsel…

Do Your Apologetics Lead To Truth Or Apologies?..
Second attempt to write a commentary and post this video by Steven Bancarz: Zeitgeist Debunked (follow “Read More “). Just as I was about to post, the screen decided to die and I had to reboot everything! Oh well. Ok, so, after a day of reading, watching and seeking out some apologists for my website, my mind was cast back to this video and my own experiences over the years with people using the “myth of..” fill in the blank and their so-called similarities to the Biblical account of Jesus, the Trinity and the resurrection etc…
You Love Your Church!...

Give Us A King!
The enigma that is Elon Musk..
The problem that I have with the worship of this man, and it is worship, is that way too much has to be overlooked in order to grab the crumbs that fall from his plate
Ephesians 5:16