You have heard it said, that “A hope deferred, makes the heart sick.” And so it does!
I cannot think of anything more frustrating and disheartening than endlessly waiting and longing for something that seems to keep getting pushed further and further away from us, with no real indication of how or when it will come to fruition.
Maybe it’s the hope of that job promotion or waiting for someone to fulfil his end of the bargain that causes you to lose hope. It may be a prayer request for yourself or a loved one who is resistant to the Gospel message. Maybe you long for justice, for God to put right all of the evil in this world. Whatever it is, if we are honest with ourselves, we want it sooner, rather than later. God’s timing doesn’t always feel “good“ to us, yet the Scriptures tell us that God is Good, ALWAYS! He also demonstrates this fact, for He makes His sun rise on the bad and the good, and causes rain to fall on the just and the unjust. Matt 5:45. We can sometimes find it hard to reconcile this truth with our longsuffering. This will always open us up to the evil temptation to charge a Holy God with unrighteousness. The adversary loves nothing more than to taunt us with mocking questions like, “Where is your God?!” “Are you sure that you understood His words correctly?” “Did He really promise that?”
We are living in very serious times. The world is in turmoil as the pieces are being moved around in readiness for the prophetic events long foretold of in Scripture, pertaining to God’s dealings with Israel in the seven year Tribulation – Dan 9:24, 27, and the close of the Church Age, that began in Acts 2, Acts 1:8, Matt 6:18, and will end at the Rapture, which precedes it. 1 Thess 4:16-17
But a longing fulfilled is a tree of life- Proverbs 13:12
If we are wise, then we will embrace the counsel of the Holy Spirit, Who tells us that prophecy is a lamp shining in a dark place.
And so we have the prophetic word made more sure, to which you do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts. 2 Peter 1:19 Yes, indeed, a hope deferred makes the heart sick, but what about the rest of the verse?
But a longing fulfilled is a tree of life! The object of our longing is what matters. Is it in the Person of Jesus and His power, His Word, His greater plan? Or is it in our short-sighted and often misguided or even selfish desires?
God offers real Hope, unlike today’s worldly psychology. The latter promotes an unrealistic, somewhat empty and inadequate answer to this problem of deferred hope and disappointment. It employs only that which makes us feel good, and ignores all that doesn’t appear to serve us or appeal to our senses in a pleasurable way! It’s the kind that has no substance or certainty–of the fingers-crossed, wishful-thinking variety. But God’s Hope is truth-filled and frank, yet full of compassion, understanding, and comfort. It is the Hope that is the very embodiment of HIS character! It’s honest, so it cannot tolerate pretentiousness; neither does it ask us to do so. Rather it counsels us to be alert, stay sober, look around, and be aware of the darkness or circumstance, and to look to HIM in the midst of it. See: Matt 14:22-33
The Lord stood on the raging sea, and bid Peter to come. What He didn’t do was to pretend that the sea didn’t exist. Peter was fully aware of the impossibility of such a task, yet it was he who first suggested it! Why? Because he was aware that the only way to put your faith fully to the test is when there’s nothing of yourself left. The Lord had already spoken to Peter, “Take courage! It is I, do not be afraid…” v 27 Peter, then responds by testing the Lord to see if it is truly Him. Sometimes, we are unsure if we have truly comprehended and heard from the Lord on a matter. Fear can cause us to doubt that familiar voice of the Lord. Do we have this kind of faith? We may be about to find out sooner than we had thought, or maybe some of you are already stepping out onto the water?
This piece was inspired by a brief conversation that I had about the current state of the world and some of the prophetic stage setting occurring as we speak. Some are being shaken to the point of casting doubt on the timing of the Rapture. This is what gave birth to the title, A Hope Deferred. I truly believe that the last thing that we as Christians need is a fluffy, airy-fairy, almost patronizing devo or pseudo encouragement. We need the perfected blend of frank, encouraging, and comforting truth found only in God’s Word. I write devotionals that are rooted in the Word that bring our hearts and minds back to the point of it ALL – JESUS!
His Word has mercifully informed us about the trouble that we will face in this fallen world, and how we can find strength and comfort as we navigate our way through it, rather as HE directs US. Sometimes, that way is extremely unpleasant, and may even end in death. He has promised to exempt His Church /Bride from the time of judgment that is to come upon the whole world to test those who dwell on it, through the coming seven year Tribulation. However, He has not promised to exempt us from the time leading up to that hour. Since the Rapture is an imminent event, it means that we may be taken before I even have a chance to finish writing this, or as late as one second before the start of the Tribulation. And because the world will be descending into chaos, unprecedented lawlessness, and wickedness–hence the need of a full cup–it stands to reason, at least to my mind, that the longer that we are here on the Earth, is the more that we will be affected. It’s a sobering thought, and whose effects I’m sure many of us are already feeling. May the Lord’s sufficient grace be made manifest to us. This calls us to press in even more. Our dependency upon the Lord, His Word, and His people should be increasing. We are counselled to fellowship more, not less, as we see the day approaching. Is it any wonder then that Satan, through his mouthpieces, demands more and more isolation? Think on that for a while…
Brothers and sisters, do not give way to temptation. The enemy is screaming through his orchestrated chaos, “Where is your God?” We are to REMEMBER, bring to the forefront of our minds, exactly what we have and have not been promised. This will help us to resist the devil and he will flee from us. Since he cannot snatch us from the double grip of the Father and Son, he wishes to weaken us and render us useless and unfruitful in these latter times. WE must continue to look forward to the blessed Hope because we will all participate in it one way or another! Some of us will rise first if we are not of those who are alive and remain.
Circumstances mean nothing to God. He will do all that He has purposed to do. Do not doubt His promises; seek His strength because it enables you to endure and abide.
Grace and peace to you all in Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour,
Author-Charmaine Bailey
Editor-Joanie Schumacher