Second attempt to write a commentary and post this video! Just as I was about to post, the screen decided to die and I had to reboot everything! Oh well. Ok, so, after a day of reading, watching and seeking out some apologists for my website, my mind was cast back to this video and my own experiences over the years with people using the “myth of..” fill in the blank and their so-called similarities to the Biblical account of Jesus, the Trinity and the resurrection etc. Notice how prideful the faces are of those who think that they have put the Christian’s King in Checkmate? The very fact that Steven is able to debunk these false claims, both from a biblical standpoint and from secular sources, proves that those who have, and continue to hold to these myths as fact, have failed to do due diligence and seemingly care more about the power that it leverages them over the ill-equipped Christian than a love of the truth. But to be fair, that can be said of us too if we’re completely honest. We can be quick to share something on social media, draw conclusions based on assumptions, hold to biases based on theological positions that we may not have studied for ourselves, or at least tested that the conclusions were derived from a sound hermeneutic. That being said, it’s ok not to get something right, but it’s not ok to cling to it because of pride. We should be seeking to grow and gain knowledge, wisdom and understanding.
Many years ago, I was confronted with this very topic by a very intellectual guy who prided himself on the fact that nobody had been able to give him a satisfactory answer to this supposed “fact,” along with a few other so-called “biblical contradictions,” like Cain being afraid that he might be killed and the fact that he had a wife and kids.( see link for more on this).
My responses were so-so, and nowhere near what they would have been had he asked me them today (praise God for growth! Amen?!). And though he was quite impressed with my attempt, he was even more chuffed with his undisputed record that afforded him yet more excuse to NOT have to take Jesus seriously and put the same energy into debunking Him and the claims that He made about Himself! He quite cleverly used this stumbling block as an excuse to cherry-pick the scriptures and assign relevance and validation to whatever HE decided made sense and simply discarded the rest in the bin! Such is the arrogance of a darkened mind. I was frustrated because whilst I knew that the scriptures were true, I was ill-equipped to tear down the falsehood that sought to exalt itself above the knowledge of God! What was even more tragic is that Satan was busy wasting his time. Had he died in his sins, he would have had all of eternity to think about the deceptive nectar of vanity. He and others like him were more invested in straining at a gnat whilst missing the bigger picture, winning the battle, yet losing the war. The high that manifests on all of the faces that I have ever encountered when dealing with such subjects, if they could scream out would say, “Checkmate!” They really do think that they have put this Jesus fellow in Check!
All this to say, whilst it is important to be ready to answer these people, especially with a correct gospel, it is equally important to differentiate between those who truly are seeking the truth and those who are more invested in “winning!” They are not hard to weed out. Someone who is genuine will listen as well as speak, answer your questions truthfully, instead of biding their time until they can clapback with a shutdown that nine times out of ten, will still have evaded the question. Discern those who are only asking questions to appear genuine like the Pharisees who had ulterior motives and were only looking for ammunition to use against Jesus later. Beware of the gas-lighter! People are dying in their sin and we simply don’t have the time to waste with chess players. Equally, we should also be willing to lay down our pride and be truthful if we don’t have an answer, or feel that we could answer it better at another time for whatever reason. Maybe you don’t have your notes or references etc. It’s ok not to have a memory bank full of information to hand. I was also told by the same guy that I was “not allowed to use the bible to prove the bible!” LOL! Well if that ain’t Satan?!!!! Don’t be intimidated by them. Remember that we wrestle not against flesh and blood. Eph 6:12 It’s a spiritual thing. You may even find that your mind suddenly goes blank and you can’t remember the basics. Just pray in your heart. The Lord knows. The devil wins the battle when WE join HIM in his arena by giving way to that which only HE can win – PRIDE! Humble yourselves, and God will lift you up. Remember the point; these people are hell bound and in bondage. They have a spiritual veil over their eyes and it cannot be removed by human effort. The reality is that they REALLY do not have the answers or they would be saved! So all they can do is invite you into their web and hope that you get tangled up as you focus on the wrong things. ASK THEM to account for THEIR own beliefs. We should be able to account for ours too.
This brings me to my last point: The agreeable Christian who magnifies the word “agreeable” to such a degree that it loses its purpose. Being agreeable has a context to it like everything else. “In as much as is possible,” Rom 12:18 indicates that there will be times where it’s simply not! It is possible to disagree and it lead to division or persecution or isolation or rejection and it be completely within the will of God! Yes, there are times when choosing to take the path that leads to personal expense and pain PLEASES God, because we have chosen Him above our own comfort or gain and He will reward us for it. Matt 16:24 He honours those who honour Him and we will John 12:26 not be put to shame. (Despite how things may appear in the short term.) This is the complete opposite to “putting ourselves first” and then attributing it to the blessings of God. That’s called self-delusion. Do not be deceived, God is not mocked. I side-eye anyone who is too agreeable all the time. It’s a sign of self-absorption and self- preservation. Live and let live? Ok, but Live and watch die? NO! That is a person who has not understood what love is. Love is compelling and it drove Jesus to a bloody and excruciating cross. I can’t be a recipient of this kind of love and co-sign “as long as I’m alright Jack!” That’s why I chose to be a disciple of Jesus Christ as opposed to just a grateful entry ticket holder. Love is radical and selfLESS. But to the one who seeks to serve himself, this will look like the opposite. The truth seeker will allow himself to become vulnerable by examining his worldview and allowing others to challenge it. Once he has come to a knowledge of the truth, he becomes wise enough to close the locks on his windows and doors, lest the opportunist sneak in when he’s at rest and catch him off guard. Vulnerability does not mean weak and without wisdom. It’s often the most secure who understand the power of vulnerability and the wealth that can lie just on the other side of it. The more we learn to trust Christ, the easier it becomes to let go and allow Him to lead. And the more we learn about the servitude that is an integral part of love. Show me a person who lives to serve others and you have found a person who knows how to love. Show me a person who lives to serve themselves in the name of serving others, and you have found a person who is yet to understand love.
May the Lord help us all to care enough to be ready to give an answer for the hope we have in Christ. And may we be willing to be made fools of, that we may win some when they see the genuineness of our faith and subsequent love.
Author @Itsdoxological
Editor Charmaine Bailey
Video and Apologetic Steven Banacarz