It's Doxological
What's it All about?
all in one place..
To provide a platform that acts as a sort of one stop shop for God’s people to gain exposure and access to sound biblical resources of various kinds for their equipping and edification.
It is God’s will that we are not only saved by grace alone through faith alone, but that we become disciples through right teaching and fellowship with one another.
Unfortunately, through my own personal experience and growth and through many conversations and observations, it has become increasingly obvious that many in the Church are not taught "how" to study the Bible, apologetics, Church history and believe it or not, core doctrines such as soteriology (the doctrine of salvation). This makes for a poor gospel presentation and insecure believers. The study of eschatology is another that has been relegated to a mere "secondary doctrine" if there were such a thing.
This affects every area of our walk. Poor doctrine makes its way into the songs we write and listen to, the way that we even counsel or encourage one another as well as the causes, affiliations, and missions that we take on. How we use our time on this earth this side of eternity is important and will be influenced heavily by what we not only know, but believe. Essentially, we are to view the world through a Biblical lens, but if the lens is foggy, how can we walk in confidence and be the salt and light that we are called to be? How can we guard ourselves against the many incoming arrows from the world and Satan as well as the false teaching in its many forms that have "crept’" in via the wolves or through ignorance?
We are living in a very serious time and the spiritual warfare seems to have accelerated as we approach the time of the end. The manifestations of this are evident in our world today in many forms, one of which is the rise in anti-Semitism. This is not just coming from the world but is showing itself within the Church in various ways, the root of which can be found in a theological error called replacement theology, which also goes by other names. It was introduced by Augustine, and it is one that has infected Christendom to this day, the fruit of which can and has been seen in more ways than we could imagine.
My prayer is that the hungry will be fed and the thirsty, refreshed; that fogginess can be cleared and many a lightbulb moment can be experienced as we all make personal the commendation made about the Berean believers who searched the word daily to see if what they were being taught was biblical. It’s ok not to understand something. It’s ok to not know something. The question is, are we content to stay in that place? However, knowledge is absolutely useless if we do not apply it!
God has gifted each of us in the Body with a spiritual gift (s), designed to serve one another and ultimately to bring Him glory. Even these can be counterproductive if we use them in ways that go against His Word. God is gracious and corrects us as we grow up in Him. He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
In this time of confusion, chaos, division and apostasy, the Lord is calling His people to shine as lights in a dark place. Philp 2:15, Matth 5:16 ,To stand on His word and contend for the truth handed down once for all to the Saints. Jude 1:3
We do not have to be great. Our God already is! We do not have to compete with one another, we are running a race against ourselves to finish well. So let’s encourage one another even more as we see the day approaching. I am not a teacher or leader of any kind. I am a just a grateful daughter who is being lovingly corrected, protected, directed and nurtured by my heavenly Father. He has brought some amazing brothers and sisters into my life from every sphere of influence and excellent teaching and encouragement that has revolutionised my walk. I honestly feel as though I’m only just beginning, yet strangely further along than ever. This website was born out of gratitude, a wish that I had to make things easier by having a "go to" to access great information in one place and zeal for His Great Name that is being brought into disrepute, sometimes through lack of understanding and not always through sinister motives. Who isn’t guilty of this charge in some way? I know I am!!
God’s people are weary and isolated more than ever. Persecution in various forms is on the increase and it can be difficult to find other like-minded believers to fellowship with. Are you a singer? A writer? A creative? A leader or visionary? A teacher? Do you have a great blog that could benefit God’s people in some way? Maybe you have been gifted in parenting, cooking, home-making, biblical relationships and marriage advice, languages, home-schooling or discipleship. Do you run workshops, tours to the Holy Land and various biblical places, etc.? Do you have training or employment opportunities? There are many ways to serve and be served. There are no redundant Saints in Christ. May it all be to His glory.
We are living in a very serious time and the spiritual warfare seems to have accelerated as we approach the time of the end. The manifestations of this are evident in our world today in many forms, one of which is the rise in anti-Semitism. This is not just coming from the world but is showing itself within the Church in various ways, the root of which can be found in a theological error called replacement theology, which also goes by other names. It was introduced by Augustine, and it is one that has infected Christendom to this day, the fruit of which can and has been seen in more ways than we could imagine.
My prayer is that the hungry will be fed and the thirsty, refreshed; that fogginess can be cleared and many a lightbulb moment can be experienced as we all make personal the commendation made about the Berean believers who searched the word daily to see if what they were being taught was biblical. It’s ok not to understand something. It’s ok to not know something. The question is, are we content to stay in that place? However, knowledge is absolutely useless if we do not apply it!
God has gifted each of us in the Body with a spiritual gift (s), designed to serve one another and ultimately to bring Him glory. Even these can be counterproductive if we use them in ways that go against His Word. God is gracious and corrects us as we grow up in Him. He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
In this time of confusion, chaos, division and apostasy, the Lord is calling His people to shine as lights in a dark place. Philp 2:15, Matth 5:16 ,To stand on His word and contend for the truth handed down once for all to the Saints. Jude 1:3
We do not have to be great. Our God already is! We do not have to compete with one another, we are running a race against ourselves to finish well. So let’s encourage one another even more as we see the day approaching. I am not a teacher or leader of any kind. I am a just a grateful daughter who is being lovingly corrected, protected, directed and nurtured by my heavenly Father. He has brought some amazing brothers and sisters into my life from every sphere of influence and excellent teaching and encouragement that has revolutionised my walk. I honestly feel as though I’m only just beginning, yet strangely further along than ever. This website was born out of gratitude, a wish that I had to make things easier by having a "go to" to access great information in one place and zeal for His Great Name that is being brought into disrepute, sometimes through lack of understanding and not always through sinister motives. Who isn’t guilty of this charge in some way? I know I am!!
God’s people are weary and isolated more than ever. Persecution in various forms is on the increase and it can be difficult to find other like-minded believers to fellowship with. Are you a singer? A writer? A creative? A leader or visionary? A teacher? Do you have a great blog that could benefit God’s people in some way? Maybe you have been gifted in parenting, cooking, home-making, biblical relationships and marriage advice, languages, home-schooling or discipleship. Do you run workshops, tours to the Holy Land and various biblical places, etc.? Do you have training or employment opportunities? There are many ways to serve and be served. There are no redundant Saints in Christ. May it all be to His glory.
Charmaine Bailey-Founder